108 shiva temples in Pune district list - shiv mandir in Pune - mahadev temples in Pune - shiva temples in maharashtra - shiv mandir pune - Discovering temples

Discover 108 ancient Shiva Temples in Pune district – The Ultimate Journey of Spirituality & Architecture

When was the last time you went in search of yourself?

When was the last time you felt an inner calling to embark on a journey that could completely transform your life?

For me, this journey began in August 2023 during the holy month of Shravan. I set out on a memorable quest in search of ancient Shiva temples in Pune district. A journey that started with a simple interest in ancient temple architecture of western India quickly turned into the greatest spiritual journey of all time. Through my travels, I understood that these temples were not just historic landmarks or places of worship. These sacred structures have immense powers that can help you to transform your entire life!

The Ultimate Roadmap of Shiva temples in Pune

108 shiva temples in Pune ebook by Shraddha Maheshwari - shiv mandir in pune - shiva temples in maharashtra - mahadev temples in pune - shiv mandir pune - mahadev mandir pune
“108 Shiva temples in Pune district”

I have created an exclusive ebook to make your journey easier! Inside you’ll find:

  • Names of 108 ancient Shiva temples in Pune district.
  • Photos that capture the temples’ unique beauty and vibe.
  • Quick Facts about the temples’ significance and history.
  • Google Maps Links for easy navigation to exact location.

This ebook is your ultimate roadmap, designed specially to help you explore these mystical temples effortlessly. From Pandavkalin (mythological era) to Peshwekalin (Maratha era), every Shiva temple in the Pune district is included in this roadmap.

Ebook format: PDF file

Each temple on this list is more than just a stone structure. These temples are vibrant centres of spiritual energy, rich history, and artistic architecture. Visiting these temples will remove all the negativity from your mind and enrich your soul with its positive vibrations.

Your transformative journey begins with a single click – start now! Once you Buy the ebook, the digital copy will be delivered to your email inbox. Whether you are a Shiva devotee, an ancient architecture enthusiast, a Sahyadri explorer, or just a curious traveller seeking personal transformation, this ebook will take you on a spiritual journey like none other!

Why you must visit these Shiva temples in Pune?

  • Spirituality: Just visit and meditate for a few minutes inside these temples and you will feel the difference in yourself.
  • History: Witness intricate stone carvings, advanced architectural designs, and the stories of our ancestors in these temples.
  • Nature: These Shiva temples are hidden in picturesque Sahyadri villages and mountains that offer a rejuvenating experience.
  • Transformation: Believe me when I say that visiting these temples has changed my entire life and you can transform your life too!

How I created this bucketlist?

Curating this bucketlist of 108 Shiva temples in the Pune district wasn’t an easy task. After hours of research through books, maps, and conversations with many locals, I am bringing these hidden gems to light. While searching and compiling this list was a difficult task, visiting every temple personally to gather its stories and information was equally challenging. My journey took me on long treks and visits to remote villages nestled in the western ghats of India – called the Sahyadri mountains.

I had a few moments of self-doubt, where my goal of researching these temples seemed unachievable. But with every step, I reminded myself of the story of Ahilyabai Holkar and how she reconstructed all the major Shiva temples across India. Taking inspiration from her I kept going forward.

This ebook is a humble tribute to our ancestors who built these beautiful temples that continue to inspire us even today. Each temple on this list is unique and holds stories and mysteries from the past. Some are located in the most beautiful mountains of Sahyadri, while others are hidden in charming old villages that seem to be frozen in time.

All of them will provide you with peace, positivity, and spiritual strength to transform yourself and your entire life. I invite you to use this bucketlist as your roadmap to explore the mystical, historical, and spiritual side of the ancient Shiva temples in the Pune district.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Mrs sapan Gandhi

    Wooow!!! 108 Shiva mandir in pune

  2. Moushmi Shaha

    Please share must visit shiva temple locations in Pune. This is a wonderful initiative

    1. Shraddha

      Thank you! All locations are linked in my ebook above. Also, check out other detailed free blogs published on this website!

      1. Pratik Rathod

        It’s truly commendable that you have been exploring our forts, temples, and other cultural treasures. Your journey is inspiring, especially for someone with a deep spiritual connection. Though I am not from Pune, I would love to see more of your explorations and learn about these fascinating places. Har Har Mahadev!

  3. Ajay Giramkar

    Loved your work. Your interest towards exploring temples and history is beyond commendable. Keep exploring!!!

    1. Shraddha

      Thank you! The ancient temples and forts are perhaps the only treasure from our glorious history that we still have today!

  4. sunita

    Whoa, what a fantastic trip through history and back in time! The blogs themselves are so upbeat and happy. I would humbly like to join such a journey for temples and cultural sites, if it is okay with you. I always research such ancient histories on my own.

    1. Shraddha

      Thank you! I have linked locations of all my temple discoveries in the ebook above, also feel free to check the free blogs in this website, and stay tuned as we release more posts soon!

  5. Sharad patil

    Information is too acknowledgeable … Thank you for information, job is too good

    Wishing for your future journeys the best of luck.
    Keep explore new world which is hidden !

  6. शुभम

    व्हा खूप छान, मला ह्या प्रवासात सामील व्हायला आवडेल

  7. हेमंत मोरेश्वर मोघे

    आपला हा उपक्रम अतिशय स्तुत्य आहे.इतिहास जगताना गड, किल्ले,गढी,वाडे आणि मंदिरे यांना भेट देणं आवश्यक आहे.मला प्राचीन मंदिरांना भेट देणे , त्यांचा इतिहास समजून घेणे आवडते व महत्त्वाचे वाटते. अश्या प्रवासाचा भाग व्हायला मला नक्कीच आवडेल.आपल्या पुढील उपक्रमांसाठी हार्दिक शुभेच्छा. धन्यवाद

  8. Swapnil Pardeshi

    This blog overhaul looks so goood !
    Best wishes for future prospects !!

  9. Sopan

    I am not able to click on the ebook

    1. Shraddha

      Please click on Buy Now button to place your order for the ebook. Once you place the order, the ebook is delivered to your email inbox.

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